Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hipster crush wears a bikini, internet needs a few minutes alone

photos by Patrice Jackson via Brooklyn Vegan
Bruise Cruise was a thing that happened. It was basically hipsters go to sea, which is ironic because only fat old tourists go on cruises like that, LOL, a fact that catty internetters are having a temporary hissy fit over for some reason. (People are awful?) 

A bunch of hot shit bands played, like Black Lips, Surfer Blood, Vivian Girls and others, which was probably awesome I'm guessing. I like music. Brooklyn Vegan has pictures from the cruise, but Hipster Runoff has rightfully pulled out the most important thing that happened the entire time, which was Katy Goodman aka Kickball Katy, aka La Sera, aka the redhead from Vivian Girls in a bikini. It's unlikely anything more interesting happened on the cruise, or ever in the history of the world, but I'm open to the possibility. I wrote about her a while back, saying she could chop my head off any time. Offer is still open.

More pics after the jump, plus watch the La Sera video for Never Come Around again, which would be a great, spooky song even if the singer didn't make me want to hurl myself into a volcano.

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Anonymous said...

I would.


Thanks. That's good news.

smashtag said...

Kids in that that third pic need to be shopped out.

guy missing the point said...

Waste of champagne right there.

Sergeant D said...

with girls like this, you always run the risk of encountering what I call "Whole Foods bush."

Better safe than sorry: would not.

Anonymous said...

worth it.


Holy Tubs Batman!

girlgal said...


hipster tubs are still tubs innit?

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, there are nudes of her still floating around online. If you look up her old camgirl name, from when she was a camgirl, you'll find them.


WHATS THE NAME?!?!?!?@!?ALkjlfsdf

Anonymous said...

someone on another site said she used to be a cam girl also. really hoping its true.

Anonymous said...

katyg3 was the name, but im prety she erased everything from her dark past

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