Sunday, March 27, 2011

Is AZNcore the next total thing?

So that's their game.  First the North Koreans will lull us into a false sense of comfort with acoustic cute bombs like this, then they sneak in the back door and steal all our gold. No one saw it coming. 

The title on this video, which may or may not be internet old, is Perfect Children, but I don't know, I thought I heard a bum note or two toward the middle strum and slap part. I wouldn't go patting myself on the back just yet, robotically adorable 5 year olds.

Oh, and if you're wondering if the comments section on that YouTube video devolved into a nationalist flame war, then let be the first to congratulate on your first time here on the internet. We have very many wonderful delights for you to peruse and become infuriated by to the point of racist retardation. Enjoy your stay.

thanks to Rez for the link.

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the internet said...

This might be the first song I've heard since Rebecca Black that managed to swipe that galloping diarrhea pop out of my head.


Michelle and I listened to it like 4 times in a row today. One of us would get sick of it, then the other would put it on again.


Also, dude, uh, callus growth, at that young an age, isn't, uh.

Anonymous said...

cutest kids ever.

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