Apotek Hjartat via Flickr |
We've always been ahead of the fashion curve here at PTSOTL. Pretty much invented the whole fashion blogging trend when this site was founded back in 2002(ish). So it's sort of bittersweet to see famous designers like Tom Ford stealing our jokes, as Gawker pointed out just now, but sometimes that's the price you pay for trend-setting and churning out memes fresh on the daily.
"A man should never wear shorts in the city," Ford said in Another Mag. "Flip-flops and shorts in the city are never appropriate. Shorts should only be worn on the tennis court or on the beach."
That sounds a lot like what we've always said, only minus weird non-sequitir seafood epithets, like in this old school PTSOTL post about shorts:
"Hey scallop pegs, what are you, four years old? Are your wittle legs all hot and sweaty? Too bad, junior, put on the long pants like a big boy. There are only a couple acceptable instances in which you can wear shorts: 1) You're performing some sort of exercise. 2) You live on the surface of the sun 3) You're a clueless dick."
Or this one about walking around the city in flip flops: "I don't know, riding bare ass on the subway and eating fuzzy french fries out of the cushions of taxis are kind of the fresh moves right now. But what about taking it to the next level?"
I'm not saying Tom Ford stole my joke designs and passed them off as his own, I'm just saying he reads this site every day and maybe it sort of seeped into his subconscious. It happens. All the time.
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This one's not as bad as that time Seinfeld ripped you guys on airline food. what was the deal with that anyway?
Right? Back when we alled to hang out in the PTSOTL chat room on AOL.
Don't think anyone ever got to the bottom of that airplane food thing. Let's reopen that cold case.
What does "gross" mean in Danish or whatever the fuck that is?
Hey Luke,
Just wondering what's up with the ice cream blog. Kinda thinking of extending the brand into the frozen dessert industry and am really looking to your blog as a source of inspiration.
Love You,
AHEM http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4098478&id=837599184
Yellow arrows already took care of that.
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