Monday, March 21, 2011

And that's why you don't eat on the subway

You guys know I'm no fan of bringing food on public transportation. I made the rookie mistake one time of bringing a tuna sandwich on the bus and the whole place smelled like microwaved vagina the entire ride. Even worse is when it's a long bus ride, like last time I rode down to NYC and we stopped for McDonald's like 30 minutes into the ride.  "Half the fuckers on this doomed ship of meat souls had worked up a thirst for beef by sitting here so hard all that time. This pork coffin on wheels wreaks of perfumed sugar tomatoes and cheese-product now," I said, which is totally the type of thing I would say. Classic me.  

Of course I'm also a big fan of keeping your mouth shut and your head down and not getting in anyone's biznatch, so this video  is kind of pulling at me on both sides. Who to route for?  How about no one? OK, if I have to I'm going with my man there who tried to chill these bishes out. Chilling bishes out is always a lot easier in theory than it sounds though, isn't it? 

Weep for our souls and watch the food-related subway fight after the jump. 

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Anonymous said...

"You're too fat to fit in the mirror."

solid burn.

Anonymous said...

Getting caught in the middle of a fight on the subway has ruined my morning more times than I can remember. They need to hurry up and invent those single pod future monorail cars.


I think this is a good idea: people should be able to not eat for a couple hours.


Though not food related, this reminds me of the time I was on the Fung-Wah and some girl had a fight with her boyfriend on her cell phone...for an hour and a half. About 20 miles away from South Station someone had the decency to tell her to shut her mouth (you could here every word she and her boyfriend were screaming at each other). Her defense? "I'm from Dorchester bitch!"

Had I bought a McFlurry or whatever they pass off as ice cream at McShitholes, I would have laughed it up through my nose.


Ughhhhhh. People on the phone. I sat next to a kid last time who was almost exactly that weird, not really funny Bill Hader gay club kid stereotype on SNL. He talked the entire time.

Anonymous said...

I was expecting a food fight.

Anonymous said...

I was so hoping she would have just checked that girl's lunch right into her shirt.


That would be so hot you guys.

Anonymous said...

032211pastafight.jpg Just days after a YouTube video surfaced showing a subway scuffle sparked by a spaghetti dinner, an MTA committee floated the idea of an all-out ban on train eating. The Daily News reports that board member Charles Moerdler said the MTA needs "to think about the availability of food products to passengers, who then discard some or all of it on the tracks, on the platform. They're the cause of rats. They're the cause of the fires. We have to do something to make it clear that the public has to wake up." WAKE UP, SHEEPLE, YOUR CHICKEN MCNUGGETS ARE HIGHLY FLAMMABLE!

Anonymous said...

This happen on the orange line at least twice a week for me between the times of 2-6 PM. I give the dude major props in the vid for trying to defuse the fight, most people would have just averted their eyes or moved away. Annoying as fuck


The Orange Line is the official T line of PTSOTL

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