Friday, March 18, 2011

This hipster indifference pose is really getting out of hand

Sorry gang, this is probably internet-old by now, but I was busy getting hammer-tits'd all day with randy firemen, Medford nail salon hostesses in green Bruins tiaras and people whose grandparents visited Ireland that one time at the all day streetside puke tasting that is my favorite mid-March holiday.

Meanwhile babies on the internet are over it. Just over it. They really do grow up so fast now don't they?  Seems like it took me until at least my 9th birthday before I realized there's no point, man. Just no fucking point. *puffs j-bar, makes halfhearted stab at calculus problem set* 

From Michelle, who I steal all my jokes from, via The Daily What, comes this baby

Hard to argue with a baby coming at you like that. Hard to argue with a baby period. Little shits have awful rhetorical skills. But, if I may, I'd offer this retort, which comes in the words of a certain other Jeffrey Lebwoski, the millionaire: "Fuck it! Yes! That's your answer. That's your answer for everything! Tattoo it on your forehead!"
Seriously though, how long do you think it is before we see actual babies with tattoos on their foreheads?  

Sting plays us out after the jump. 


Never old. Never, ever, ever old.  

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Anonymous said...

Baby is a liar too! "I wasn't saying it."


Total drama queen. You see that moment where she thinks "I'm throwing a tantrum to distract this sucker." Then thinks better of it and is all, "Nah, I'm a do me."

Bill Orly? said...

WE'LL DO IT LIVE!!! Such a pro.


I always wondered what Sting song...
Something off of Blue Turtles, no doubt!


Haha, what year was the ORLY bit from? Can probably narrow it down that way.

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