Well, this is kind of embarrassing, because up until five seconds ago when I was reading Stuff You Will Hate, I had always just assumed that this song I hear every day, three times a day at the gym (/nobromo) was the Black Eyed Peas. Maybe because it sounds exactly like the Black Eyed Peas, and, you know, they say the actual words "Black Eyed Peas" and the name of a song by the Black Eyed Peas in this song that sounds like the Black Eyed Peas. So, congratulations Dev (I think?), you tricked me into experiencing the exact same amount of indifference I would have felt had your song actually been written and performed by another band I have heard of. Now what?
No matter how many times this happens, that thing where a group piggybacks on the exact same style of another more popular group, then somehow rides that shit to enormous success, it always surprises me. Tell me you didn't have the idea to get a hard 7.5 in a space polymer hoodie to talk in a sexy customer service phone line voice about her ass cheeks and name brand alcohol over an 808 drum machine the first time you heard "Boom Boom Pow" but then thought to yourself, nah, fuck it, been done. Other people don't have that off switch -- the shame receptor in the brain, I think it's probably called -- that stops them from doing stuff like that, and they plow into the borrowed scheme full force. Other people are a lot more successful and famous than you and I though, aren't they?
So here's what I'm going to do from now on. I'm going to start doing cover versions of other blogs in order to trick more people into coming here. Then once that sweet, sweet blogging cash starts rolling in, I'll call you guys from my new blog on the moon to tell you how awesome it is in space.
Will ending every sentence I wrt in a ? make PTSOTL a bettr buzz blog?
Or will is it going 2 b a entry level blog that generate relevant memes?
Will it help me 2 get alt qts to <3 me with pics of their altboobs?
Mehh, actually, who am I kidding, I already basically do this since I stole half of my shtick from the Uproxx blogs anyway. Plus, it sounds like a lot of work.

that blog made me want to stab my eyes out.
I think it's great. I have the musical taste of a 14 year old though.
"that blog made me want to stab my eyes out."
This song makes me want to stab my eyeballs out with that chicks tits.
That sounds like it would start out pretty good, but sort of take a real turn as it gets toward the end.
I don't really know what to say about that.
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