Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pole Dancing For Jesus

ZOL. Look at the less important news on the ticker.

How on earth can you mix pole dancing with Jesus? wonders Fox affiliate reporter Kristin Kane in this news report she's probably really proud of filing. Kristin Kane sounds like a fake porn pseudonym doesn't it? Which begs the question, can blowbangs for Jesus be too far off? Hold on, I gotta go, uh... research something.

Where was I? Oh right, here's this news-like news report. Via OnKneesForJesus, which, just, wow go look at that site.

"People have to bring their church program to get into the class," explains Crystal Deans, the instructor, which...wait, what the fuck is going on with people's porn names down there? Wherever down there is. Texas? Probably Texas, right? 

"So, we basically are just continuing the whole worship thing." Right, but in pole dancing isn't the idea of what you're worshiping a little different than the one in church?  Hmm, actually, in one case it's the idea of a stripper who you might get to fuck, and at the other it's God, and neither of those two things exist, so I guess it's not so different after all.

brought to you by


guy who makes masturbating puns all the time said...

I'd like to wheel her out of a tomb after three days, if you see what I'm getting at here.

Anonymous said...

Has this thing been making the rounds? I got the video link in a mass e-mail from some idiot this morning, someone I wouldn't expect to read this site. And come on, OmKneesForJesus, can't be a regular stop for you. Gawker? It has a Gawkerish stench about it.


I'm sure it's on Gawker and all the other larfs sites. A friend of mine emailed the link. You wouldn't know them, there from uh, Canada.

Anonymous said...

C'mon O'Neil, you know Christian strippers are giving up that pussy. Gullible religious broads are easy. You don't have to listen to the usual working student or single mommy spiel either. Look deep into her eyes and tell her you're a believer. BAM! Mashing of genitals shall commence.

luke said...

For a guy who went to a catholic college I have surprisingly little evidence of that, but it sounds believable.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. This coming from the guy with a naked babe wearing a crucifix right there---->

Just lie and tell everyone you ran many a train on Catholic school girls. Your base audience of compulsive masturbators demand it. You are the coke whore messiah!


You're right, I did do all those things, I was just kidding because my mom reads this blog.


texas forever, six.

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