Thursday, March 24, 2011

An idea so crazy it just might work: Stop selling bombs to dictators?

USA #1!

I know, I know, that sounds like crazy liberal talk, and I do in fact live in a cloudy land of pink ponies that shit piles of rainbows and gummy bears, but maybe we ought to look into this idea. Remember how we trained all those Afghan soldiers when we were at war but not really just kidding with the USSR back in eighties and nineties? That really came back to bite us on the ass didn't it?

Nothing new, though, right? We tend to have a habit of sending cash and training and materiel to people who you might cautiously describe as the worst fucking dudes you could possibly imagine. Sudan's Omar al-Bashir, Kim Jong-Il, Than Shwe of Myanmar, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, and Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan, and probably Magneto for all I know, are just a couple of the arch-villains to be fucking sex slaves on piles of your hard-earned money. Never mind though, that Wisconsin teacher over there is getting health insurance. 

Who's another dictator we've given aid to and sold weapons to? You might know him better right now as the guy whose face we're shooting those same missiles at: Muammar Gaddafi. 

Truth Out via Crooks and Liars has the deets: 

In 2009 alone, European governments - including Britain and France - sold Libya more than $470 million worth of weapons, including fighter jets, guns and bombs. And before it started calling for regime change, the Obama administration was working to provide the Libyan dictator another $77 million in weapons, on top of the $17 million it provided in 2009 and the $46 million the Bush administration provided in 2008.

Meanwhile, for dictatorial regimes in Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, US support continues to this day. On Saturday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton even gave the US stamp of approval to the brutal crackdown on protesters in Bahrain, saying the country's authoritarian rulers "obviously" had the "sovereign right" to invite troops from Saudi Arabia to occupy their country and carry out human rights abuses, including attacks on injured protesters as they lay in their hospital beds. Read the rest
I don't know though, I can see what you're thinking here. If we don't sell billions of dollars in weapons to corrupt assholes so they can murder their own citizens, then our own American-grown war profiteers are gonna have a harder time tripling and quadrupling the already obscene piles of fuck you gold they swim in. And without those extra billions, who is gonna create jobs for ordinary, average, every day Americans like you and me?

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this reeks of politics and caring about shit. where'd you say that unlike button was?



I don't actually care about this, I just wanted everyone to think I did.

Anonymous said...

Trickle down bombs. Trickling bomb juice on your dead face.

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