I guess this whole time Republicans have been talking about smaller government they were being really literal: IRS agents tiny enough to crawl up inside women and run the uterus numbers. Actually, it might be better to call them Abortion Cops, which sounds like the type of shitty movie I'd watch On Demand on a hungover Sunday. (If Jude Law's agent is reading this, call me right now)
Mother Jones has the story of one of the potential consequences of the "No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Act."
Under a GOP-backed bill expected to sail through the House of Representatives, the Internal Revenue Service would be forced to police how Americans have paid for their abortions. To ensure that taxpayers complied with the law, IRS agents would have to investigate whether certain terminated pregnancies were the result of rape or incest. And one tax expert says that the measure could even lead to questions on tax forms: Have you had an abortion? Did you keep your receipt?You might remember this law for its proud lexicographical contribution to the English language, making a distinction between "forcible rape" and just regular old sort of rape. They later removed that important designation from the bill's language after an outcry.
Fire Dog Lake has an appropriately angry post about it today.
Speaker John Boehner has declared this bill to be a top priority of the new GOP Congress. Can you find the jobs agenda in this bill, except possibly the need to hire more IRS auditors to review women’s tax returns and inquire about how their abortion was paid for? Or whether parents paid for a daughter’s abortion with pre-tax health savings accounts?
That’s right — you can’t even use your own health savings account, set aside from pre-tax earnings, to fund an abortion under the bill...
Margaret Atwood was right: all uteri are state property. Yours is just on loan to you.on Twitter sums up legislation like this pretty well. "Dear politicians: thanks for finally dealing with our nation's two biggest problems -- teachers and public radio. Sincerely, A Crazy Person."
Add rape and incest victims looking to live high on the hog with all their abortion tax breaks to that list. I think we can all agree these sluts have had it too good for too long.
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No fetus left behind.
I just left a few potential fetii behind.
Well, I guess everyone around here supports this. nvrmnd
Has anyone in the US Congress ever had, or known anyone who has had, an abortion? I mean, it has to be one of the most emotionally draining and devastating things a woman can go through, and we're writing laws predicated on the notion that women are abortion-loving monsters who have to be stopped before they kill again.
Of all the things about this that make me insanely, irrationally angry (and there are oh-so-many), the most troubling one is this: my friends and neighbors elected these people. You can only put it on some nameless, faceless, right-wing machine for so long.
Right? It's well past the point where we can just laugh off our differences. Anyone who supports these fuckers can no longer be a friend. Sorry, it's just too much of a disconnect. To all my conservative friends, consider this our breakup.
It's not you, Red America, it's me. We've had a lot of laughs, and I'll always love you, but it's time for each of us to move on and to grow.
I love you, my little neo-con, too much to lie to you: I've had my eye on Sweden for a while now, and I see the way you look at Texas. I hope we can still be friends...
You went to easy on them. I'm gonna send a text message that says "u r gross. nvr txt me again."
I admit it: I'm concerned about retribution. They like their guns.
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