Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bathroom Attendants

I know the economy is in the shitter and all, but do we really need to support the economy in the shitter? I just wanna take a slash without having to check if I have singles to tip the sad-sack geriatric handing me a paper towel as if I can’t possibly be trusted to dry my hands unless there’s someone there to make sure. Not to get all pretentious up in this bitch, but David Foster Wallace wrote an insanely depressing short story about the miserable life of a bathroom attendant, and we all know what happened to him. (Wallace, not the bathroom attendant.) Anyway, you know what I’m saying: Cut these dudes a pension and then put them on the fucking list.

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I know the economy is in the shitter and all, but do we really need to support the economy in the shitter?


Look at that dude up there. Someone point him to the wolf cave.


100th entry to the list here. everyone take the afternoon off on me.


Partlow on work release in that pic?


"Close your eyes. You know I do it quick and clean."


This is really amazing because I was just saying bathroom attendants are on the list 2 days ago. Which doesn't really seem like that much of a coincidence but how often do I go to places with bathroom attendants?


i ran this bit on saturday. with a bit of a,

what i have to throw a dollar in your jug cause you have some lame ass hard candy that you stole from my grandmother before she passed away? oh...and thanks for the ax body spray shower,

tossed in.


"Where's Wallace yo!? What happened to Wallace?!"

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