Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nasal Spray

Thanks for moderately clearing my blocked nasal passage for five seconds. Miracle of modern science isn't it? Not sure I realized I was signing up for tasting brain-infused snot medicine for the next five days though.

We can put a man on the moon and fight robots in space, but we can't remove mucus from my smelling hole? Somewhere along the line science in this country has lost its way.

UPDATE: Go ahead and try talking about nasal spray without someone telling you that it's addictive. Seriously, go try it right now.

Related note: someone hurry up and invent the lung brush already. Put the jet pack project on hold for a year or two. Stop smoking, you say? What is this, the Olympics?

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Just when I thought you might be in a slump (ballet?) you go and hit a home run here.


Yeah I've seen better, but ballet is definitely on the list anyway.


i knew a bird whose mom got addicted to nasal spray. no lie


check out that eagle keeping watch on america, greatest nation on earth, on the right up there!


Speaking of things that always happen - anytime someone in a movie goes to speak into a microphone it will feed back. Every fucking time.


haha. jake. that is true! you are the paul pierce of the on the list comment section. (for birds- paul pierce is nicknamed the truth.)


I just tried bringing up nasal spray with Genie and she didn't tell me it was addictive.


not so fast on that entry on wacky movie cliches everyone.

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