Please move out of my way or accommodate me in every way, after all, I have a child.
I don't need to conform to society's understood laws of politeness or courtesy such as walking at a normal speed or allowing others to use a sidewalk or even disciplining my child when they are screeching at the top of their lungs for no apparent reason.
My child is really great and whatever atrocities they are doing to your new dress that you can't afford but splurged on because you're kind of depressed because you are going to get laid off next week are fine because they are a child. You are all so blessed to be in the presence of this child when they are throwing trash on the floor or being incredibly annoying in some other way. Surely you must be a terrible blight on the face of the earth if you can't see the beauty in my child's annoying behavior. Surely you must be a terrible person incapable of love if you can't see that my child is the best thing ever.
I don't need to conform to society's understood laws of politeness or courtesy such as walking at a normal speed or allowing others to use a sidewalk or even disciplining my child when they are screeching at the top of their lungs for no apparent reason.
My child is really great and whatever atrocities they are doing to your new dress that you can't afford but splurged on because you're kind of depressed because you are going to get laid off next week are fine because they are a child. You are all so blessed to be in the presence of this child when they are throwing trash on the floor or being incredibly annoying in some other way. Surely you must be a terrible blight on the face of the earth if you can't see the beauty in my child's annoying behavior. Surely you must be a terrible person incapable of love if you can't see that my child is the best thing ever.

a fucking men sister
dangerously close to repeating an item that is already on the list.
I think the entitlement theme sets it apart
i know, the subject has been covered before, but has it been covered so eloquently? plus, these people are the most annoying people on the planet.
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