Tuesday, May 12, 2009

People Who Jam On Their Horns

I realize it's 8:30 in the morning and you really need to get to your crappy job in time to get an iced Dunkins before your big meeting, but do us all a favor and keep your douchey misery to yourself. What do you think is going to happen? Your BMW's mighty horn is going to evaporate all of the other cars? Will it turn the traffic lights green? Make you capable of flight? Shift public opinion in such a way as to render your wraparound Oakleys super sweet and attractive to women?

I assure you, none of these things are possible. It's rush hour. There are ten thousand other people who need to use the very same road as you. We are all running a little bit late. We all wish we were somewhere else. We are all annoyed that the zombies streaming out of south station try to make a run for it when that flashing orange hand appears, thereby delaying our progress a few valuable milliseconds. We are all doing the best we can.

Are we not kind and gentle beasts? Is this not a civilized society? Has the milk of human kindness soured to such an alarming degree that you must smash your fat fist into your horn and propel us all towards the precipice of violence? Can we not, as the wise sage from the eagles advises, take it easy?

People who jam on their horns, you're on the fucking list for hard, for real, and for always.

brought to you by



Nice one


that guy kind of looks like mat jef.

:*= said...

might as well just put "driving to work" on the list

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