Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Being proud of where your great great great grandparents came from

You're not Irish or Italian or whatever so can it with the St. Paddy's day talk or the cornbeef and cabbage thing that literally no one in Ireland has ever eaten. For better or worse, you're fully 100% American, so it's probably time to come to terms with that. Just say you want a stupid piece of shit tattoo that sucks, no need to preface it with the whole, well it's because I'm Irish that I need to have this Notre Dame logo or this crane foreman drinking a large regulah across my shoulder blades. There's plenty of shit right here to be proud of dude. Do they have Glutton Bowl in Europe? Okay then. How 'bout Elvis? Alright. It's settled then. Pretending to care where your great grandmother is from: on the list.

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heritage pride is totally on the list, really close to the top. and boston irish heritage pride is probably the worst of all heritage pride.


oh shit, i was gonna do something on this. stole my thunder belotti. tom belotti.


haha. nice tags.


that's right, o'neill. that name is I-talian. my great great grandpappy swam here from Venice with only the clothes on his back and worked on a railroad car so that I could have people tell me that I must talk with my hands and love pasta. and don't you fucking forget it!


no pulling up your boot straps reference in this?


- Bill O'Reilly finally getting around to checking out the Bible.


nothing on that one huh? thought it was gold.


-Heath with a metal detector on Brighton Beach


2nd one got me.

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