Monday, May 25, 2009

Corn on the Cob

Sure do love some corn on the cob. Salt that sucker right up, roll it in butter and you're good to go. Coincidentally, you know what else is good when you drown it in sodium and fat? Everything ever. Same rules for lobster here. If you like corn on the cob so much, try eating it plain next time, otherwise it, and you, are going right on the list.

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just put getting up in the morning on the list and let's shut 'er down. also, played mini golf today, ate ice cream, wore shorts and am having corn on the cob as part of my dinner.


Probably save us a lot of time wouldn't it? Look at that little fella up there running through the snow though. What would he do?


i wore shorts today (to run), passed on the corn on the cob, might eat some ice cream later if it's scooped onto some strawberry shortcake, and got two ice coffees with one milk one sugar.


hey that's how i take my iced coffee. man, being better than people is awesome, amiright?


you ok over there?

Anonymous said...

Worst part about corn is when it comes out the other end.


corn jokes... if only there was somewhere to put them


up your deuce shaver?


really trying to think of what a deuce shaver is and how something would get shoved up there.


you're really having a hard time centering that banner luke


think you can do better tough guy?

maybe if one of my ten thousand programmer/ designer friends would chip in and help we'd be all set.

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