Hey there every single person who has ever posted on this site, look at you go hating stuff on the internet (The Internet.) with your jokes and your swear words (Swearing.). Punk rock rebellion (Punk rock.) is it not? Esoteric humor at its finest. Writing open letters to inanimate objects and the like.
Here's something you might not have noticed though, (Noticing things.): Every post on here is justified, at normal sized text, and in the Trebuchet font (Fonts.) How do they get like that? A magical fucking fairy comes in at night and sprinkles formatting juice on them, that's how.
You think your grandfather who busted his hump (Busting Your Hump.) for 50 years in a Nazi killing factory (Nazi jokes.) would approve of your sloppy internet joke making?
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oofps randy donuts, that didn't w3rk.
See #3/try it now
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