Thursday, May 21, 2009

Not Liking Sports at the Superbowl Party

A lot of people have been writing into The List lately asking “What's a good way to get myself knocked out vis a vis a haymaker to my giant stupid squash?”

Good question. The first that always comes to mind for us is to go to a party where a bunch of people are watching a big sporting event – let's say a historic run at a perfect football season culminating in a soul crushing Super Bowl loss – and talking about how sports are stupid the entire time. That's one good way.

A couple others you could try:
Walking around town like you think you're better than everyone else.
Just looking at someone accidentally on the train or street corner or wherever.
Literally anything else.

Good luck!

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that kid...OOOF


can't believe you put the picture on the list. honestly. go home and say a thousand hail bradys to atone for your sin.


that would be less than i normally say on any given day.

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