HARDY HAR. Guess a day like today blows your little global warming conspiracy myth out of the water. Get it? Because it's like 50 degrees and yet it's May. Therefore, global warming doesn't exist. Get it? Yes, I get it, because that's the point. Global warming is literally about how cold or warm it is on a given day of a given month, you mouthbreather. How 'bout you cut to the inevitable Brokeback Mountain joke (still telling those) that you're about to tell and wrap this little exchange up, shall we?

Good work here Thomas.
That guys face makes me want to stab myself in the dickhole.
Al Gore flies all around the world and has a big house, by the way. Therefor global warming doesn't exist. Sorry, just the straight poop from a real deal American here. Is it too real for you? Maybe.
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