It doesn't matter how they get all of their prices to be the lowest in the world, you're going to have BIG SAVINGS!
It doesn't matter that the reason they can offer the lowest prices on most things is because:
1. Most of their Full Time employees are paid under the poverty line and can't afford proper health care for their families, even with the benefits provided.
2. Destroying local/small business and generations of hard work by undercutting all the prices and forcing these businesses to close therefore eliminating all competition. Never mind entire families becoming unemployed with the only option to move away or work at Walmart.
3. Exploit Chinese/Indian etc. workers and force them to work 7 days a week, 16 hour shifts to make the cheap toys and clothes that are the Walmart brand while paying them $0.10 an hour
4. Forcibly preventing their work force the ability to unionize by using scare tactics, firings (being made an example of), spying, intimidation and harassment. Having a union would drastically cut into their profit by actually having to pay a livable wage and provide acceptable benefits for their workforce and take responsibility for their employees welfare and safety.
No, you need to save that $0.30 on a box of cereal or $1 on that DVD. Nice work!
Now you can afford that Hanna Montana themed notebook for your brat kid! What a relief! Because that's what it's all about, Family.

Winning at the Internet
...is better than losing at it?
Must be sweet to have this opinion on a tower made of $1200 flat screen TV sets.
Those TV's would be $1,500 at Walmart!
the good old days over here.
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