This would have been a great list entry in 1987. Maybe it doesn't really make sense now, but back then Sly Stallone was really annoying. Every time this guy went on a talk show he threw in all kinds of ten cent words to prove he has a big vocabulary.
You know what Sly Stallone (in 1987)? No one cares if you have a big vocabulary. People just want you to blow shit up and look good in jeans. It's OK that you're not the smartest. Get over yourself. You are on the list my friend (retroactively).
You know what Sly Stallone (in 1987)? No one cares if you have a big vocabulary. People just want you to blow shit up and look good in jeans. It's OK that you're not the smartest. Get over yourself. You are on the list my friend (retroactively).

Wish I could get my hands on a copy of the list from like 20 years ago. Or hundreds of years ago.
i was going to go with a retro list item. still might, but good on ya for breaking new territory.
Sylvester Stalone IS EXTREMELY intelligent. He wrote the script to Rocky, and made them let him act in the movie if they wanted to make the movie.
Now, maybe it's just me, but if you write a script good enough that a movie studio wants it badly, and it makes you famous and rich, you're a genius, not just intelligent.
Screw you man, Sly doesn't deserve to be picked on like this.
And again you are overlooking him, he only plays big and tough in the movies he's been in but in real life he is really smart and is not only an actor, but also a director, writer and painter.
He's also one of the most gentle fathers in the entertainment industry.
Mr. Stallone is actually very intelligent. His IQ is said to be within the 'gifted' range, and that's from 130 and up. He doesn't have to prove anything. The way he communicates is how he thinks. Why should he change? If you don't understand his 'big words', I suggest you buy yourself a dictionary and learn some yourself.
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