Saturday, May 30, 2009


This band is such horseshit and always has been. I knew it when I was 7 and I know it now. The songs all suck, the musicianship is questionable at best and the schtick is neither entertaining nor engaging. I can't even think of anything funny to write about this band, that's how much they suck.

But last night on VH1 Classic I watched a good 30 minutes of their 1998 comeback concert and it was easily the worst 30 minutes of music I've ever seen on TV. Tuneless and soulless. Watching these asswipes go through the motions and pretending it wasn't a set up for another run at being washed up was slightly amusing though. Gene Simmons in his assless chaps and wig takes the douche cake here but watching still-closeted Paul Stanley wiggle his hairy, flabby nipple at some unlucky fans was the end of the line for me. Ooof. Fucking frauds.

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Heresy. Also should bands be on the list because that could stretch on for years.


no, not tons of bands. but KISS should.


lazar, you are a prophet.


Stanley actually put his hand under his nipple and looked at the crowd with come hither eyes and wiggled the thing up and down. It looked like someone took a monkfish filet and stuck a bunch of hair on it and hung it off his chest or something. Disgusting.


Come on and love me.

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