Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Riding Your Bike While Wearing Expensive Bike Gear

Oooh looking slick there buddy. What are you putting in today? Twelve, thirteen miles? You know, I think just a regular old pair of shorts and a t-shirt will do it for that. No need to spend 400 dollars for a skin tight electric blue lycra suit with a bunch of corporate logos emblazoned over every inch of the fucking thing. You can look like an asshole for a lot less. You're not Lance Armstrong, you know what I mean? No need to make everyone look at your pud. You're not a competitive racer, you're just riding to the Esplanade and back to your condo in the South End.

Nothing says "I'm an asshole" like a guy who's wearing spandex in all seriousness. Your gay bicycle suit is going right on the list.

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THIS IS MY FUCKING BIT!!!! Stealing bits is on the list. I've been complaining about these jerk offs for a decade.



THIS IS MY BIT!!! Stealing bits is on the list hard.


Jake steals most of my bits too.

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