Monday, May 25, 2009

Radio jingles

I wanted to know just how shitty the traffic was so I reluctantly switched on AM news radio and was subjected to this god damned 1-877-KARS-4-KIDS jingle. Now it's stuck in my head forever. Congrats!, you've won. Now I will always know where I can dump my shitbox when it dies six days after I make my final payment. Come tow it from my yard, put in a new engine, fill all the rust spots with bondo, steam clean the five years of stale beer, dirt, gum, hair and vomit off the floormatsand go drive around sick, poor, orphaned or otherwise downtrodden children, or whatever it is you do with these busted buckets. I don't give a shit what you do with it. Actually I do, drive it over the guy who wrote that shitty jingle.

Also on the list: 1-800-54-GIANT. My windshield broke. Of course I called them. Their sucky song is burned into my brain for eternity.

-- David Wedge

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guess what i've had in my head all day?


-phineas gage


hoof. rail road spike?

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