Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Telling People You Are On the Guest List

“Yeah, that show was OK, but I'm just glad I didn't have to pay for the tickets.”

What a coup! You've managed to convince someone to wave you through the door to the club and saved upwards of eight dollars. That's the type of savvy bargain hunting you don't normally see outside of old ladies clipping out coupons in the ten items or less check out line.

Someone get Obammer on the blower so we can sign you up to sort out this financial mess.

Actually being on the list is fine, I guess, but much like Fight Club, your boring ass dreams and jerking off while gazing into your own eyes in the mirror, it's just not something you talk about.

No one is impressed. Saying you're on the list is on the list.

Also on the list:
  • Telling people you have a record but you didn't pay for it.
  • Telling people you've downloaded a movie before it comes out from bit torrent sites.
  • Letting everyone know that you “know the bartender over there, so I got the hook up.”

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