Wednesday, May 27, 2009

MLB and Sox Fans

Yeeeeah, Sully, You fucking faggot, did you catch that game last night? Game 20 of the 4000 game season, am I wrong?!?!?

Sarah and I went to the Cask to watch it in High fucking def. Some homo on Landsdowne looked at her pink Sox cap wrong so I was all, "What the fuck are you looking at?!?!". Ha. I was so wasted.

How about when Big Papi hit that hit in the 9th? Holy shit?!!? There's only 7 months left in the season, but I totally think they can win it all this year.

YANKEES SUCK!!! JETER BLOWS (you know, because he's gay)!!!

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has to be said


you can tell leo isn't a sox fan because he talks about papi getting a hit in the 9th here.


what does that broad's t shirt even mean? I Red Sox New York?


kid, i was there back when yaz and jim rice were dinging dingers.

be a quiet fan, that's all i'm saying. enthusiasm is for cheer squads and politicians.


oh, and that bird's shirt means she wants to bang you.


was at a sox-yanks game a few years back. bleachers. dude starts up the walk, he's wearing a yankees shirt and the bleacher dudes all start booing. kid turns around and on the back is the number 2(jeter) but for the name it says "homo." doing that. buying it, ordering it, wearing it in public, cheering for that, the whole thing... list.


oh and they gave him a standing O when they saw it. also, saw a dude in a sox shirt with the number .08 and the name "drunk"

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