"You know what would really tie the apartment together?"
"Some companionship or maybe a nice oriental rug?"
"No, I was thinking more along the lines of a box of shit."
Cats. On the list. They act like really small dogs blown out on coke, just fucking scampering this way and that, randomly running to where ever the fuck. What is the fucking point of having these things? Aside from the obvious things like splicing together footage of your cat doing wacky shit and uploading it to . Sorry lady, no one really gives a shit about Chairman Meow and the cute thing that he did today. Also, in case you haven't noticed, there's a box of shit by the door. Might want to sort that before the party starts or whatever. Yes, we'll fucking close the door when we go out for a few butts. Wouldn't want the cat to escape. Then who would we hear you talk baby talk to?
"Some companionship or maybe a nice oriental rug?"
"No, I was thinking more along the lines of a box of shit."
Cats. On the list. They act like really small dogs blown out on coke, just fucking scampering this way and that, randomly running to where ever the fuck. What is the fucking point of having these things? Aside from the obvious things like splicing together footage of your cat doing wacky shit and uploading it to . Sorry lady, no one really gives a shit about Chairman Meow and the cute thing that he did today. Also, in case you haven't noticed, there's a box of shit by the door. Might want to sort that before the party starts or whatever. Yes, we'll fucking close the door when we go out for a few butts. Wouldn't want the cat to escape. Then who would we hear you talk baby talk to?

lets go ahead and put all god's creatures on the list, why stop at cats?
Cats are very stupid animals. They really are. Cat owners always want to believe that cats are smart and that they understand them and that they know when they are being talked about. They don't. They're stupid.
i am allergic to cats. allergies are on the list though, so i'm a bit conflicted on that front.
fucking box of shit in your house. come on! fucking scumbags and their cats.
cleaning it up right quick doesn't work either. smells even worse. like perfumed rocks and shit.
you certainly preferred me cleaning that shit box to not when we lived together boxneil.
get that real world experience out of the list buddy. this aint a job interview.
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